as your MLA for
St. Vital

Real change
for Manitoba

Real Change
for St. Vital
Peter Bastians was born and raised in Sri Lanka, where he earned an enginineering degree and hotel management diploma. He immigrated to Canada and Winnipeg in 1990, briefly becoming an executive chef before starting his own business. Taste of Sri Lanka has been a Winnipeg staple ever since, with multiple locations across the city.
Over the years Peter has always been of service to the local community, giving back to the seniors, youth and everyone in between, as well as advocating for food security as a guest board member of No One Goes Hungry.
As your Manitoba Liberal MLA, Peter will work hard to:
Fix Health Care with proper funding and the introduction of fair recruitment and retention bonuses to attract and keep health care professionals driven from the system by PC and NDP cuts.
Improve Seniors Care and Long-term Care by creating a Manitoba Seniors Advocate and providing better funding and staffing for LTC homes, home care workers and more homelike care.
Grow the Economy through the creation of a Manitoba Business Development Bank and investments in strategic community infrastructure, and Make Life More Affordable through progressive tax reform and reviewing education tax rebates.
To bring REAL change to St. Vital and Manitoba, to make life better for you and your family, vote for Peter to be your MLA!