Treaty One Territory - Métis Homeland - Winnipeg, MB - Manitoba Liberal MLAs say comments by PC Leadership candidate Shelly Glover about vaccination are so dangerous that they are disqualifying.
In a French-language interview with La Liberté, Glover suggested that pregnant women should not get the vaccine - which is the opposite of what medical experts have recommended because pregnant women are at higher risk of complications from covid.
<< Je vous donne l'exemple d'une infirmière qui est enceinte. Son médecin lui a dit qu'elle ne devrait pas prendre de vaccin, car elle peut avoir des complications avec son bébé. >>
"Take the example of a nurse who is pregnant. Her doctor tells her she shouldn't take the vaccine because it could cause complications with her baby."
Manitoba Liberal Leader Dougald Lamont, MLA for St. Boniface, said Glover's suggestion is dangerous and the opposite of what medical experts suggest.
"This is the kind of irresponsible, uninformed, reckless statement that put lives at risk. Pregnant women are at higher risk of severe complications if they get Covid, and the medical advice is that they should get vaccinated," said Lamont.
On March 12, 2021, the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada consensus statement states:
"Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should be offered vaccination at anytime if they are eligible and no contraindications exist."
"Pregnant individuals who experience severe COVID-19 are at increased risk of complications requiring intensive care at the hospital and may need mechanical ventilation (i.e., needing
a machine to help with breathing). Other potential complications include premature birth, stillbirth, cesarean delivery and newborn admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)."
"Vaccines are safe, pregnant women are more vulnerable to Covid, and ICUs across North America have pregnant women on ventilators who could be home safe and healthy. Every Manitoban should be concerned about the fact that both PC Leadership candidates don't understand vaccine mandates and are putting people's egos ahead of people's lives."
Manitoba's own public health bulletins say that "pregnancy is a risk factor for severe Covid-19."
La Liberté article:
The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) Statement: